Varvatos for Converse
Converse vs Varvatos
John Varvatos, menswear designer extraordinaire, has created a line of Converse sneakers (limited edition, of course). Stylish and casual. Always a great combination.
scry [skry] intr. verb: To see or predict the future by crystal-gazing.
Converse vs Varvatos
I just came across the Realm Dekor site. Very nice things for the home. (Although I HIGHLY disapprove of the K in DECOR.) I am impressed with the futuristic vibe. Check it out yourself!
Dailysonic: An MP3zine looks really cool. Free music/info everyday? Who wouldn't want that?
We are also scrying Google Talk. Who likes AOL anyway? Google has so many more cool things. Although, I must admit I hardly ever IM anymore. It can get too distracting!!
Today we are scrying designster. This is a new form of Friendster or My Space, but all about art and design. A way to share portfolios and other goodies.
Who doesn't love Nate? You know him, come on -- the guy who does all the home make-overs on Oprah. Well, now he has his own line exclusively at Linens 'n Things. (Gosh I hate that 'n). It looks quite nice, but maybe a bit masculine for me, colorwise anyway. But anything that brings good design into the homes of America gets points in my book!!
Cosmopolitan Style - Summer 2005..a free online issue...could this be the future? No more ripping out pictures you like? I don't know, there really is something about holding a nice, crisp new magazine in your hand. Although, it will be nice to not have any annoying fragrance ads.
Damn! Tara Subkoff has done some really HOT Easy Spirit shoes this season!! I am mighty impressed. Any donations to The Scrier closet are appreciated (size 9).
FUSION - FLASH CONCERTS...It's the commodification of the FLASH MOB! Of course, corporate America has to take something "underground" and use it. Oh well. At least maybe you'll get to see a cool (and free!) concert near you.